10+ minutes

Cool Times Podcast: Interview with Brian King

Brian engaged in some fun and informative dialog with the hosts of this podcast that talks all things cool about the cold storage industry.

In the Press
1 minute

The Excellent Project Manager

While this article focuses on the construction industry, the traits and attributes Brian discusses apply to business and industry in general.

In the Press
1 minute

Rethinking the Annual Performance Review

Whether the reviewer or reviewee, very few people enjoy annual performance reviews – and they are proven to be ineffective. So, what’s the alternative?

In the Press
3 minutes

Business is Always Personal

Brian recalls how a cliché phrase made a lasting impression on him years ago when a supplier replied, “Brian, it’s just business. It’s not personal.”

10+ minutes

TZL Podcast: A Conversation with Brian T. King

Brian lets his entrepreneurial spirit shine through as he talks about his career history and more with Randy Wilburn, host of The Zweig Letter Podcast.

3 minutes

Looking Ahead: Virtually Reimagining the Three C’s

With video meetings now embedded in how we work, businesses face the challenge of how to effectively communicate, coordinate and collaborate virtually.

4 minutes

Business Trend: Adapting to a Multigenerational Workforce

We now find ourselves in the midst of the greatest multigenerational workforce in history, and it will certainly alter the world of business.

4 minutes

Why Every Business Leader Should Read ‘A Christmas Carol’

Beyond being a holiday classic, ‘A Christmas Carol’ offers powerful business lessons on balance, working with others, and interacting with our communities.

4 minutes

Five Business Trend Predictions for the 2020s

The only way to stay in the business game is to get ahead of it, which involves looking ahead, watching trends and making predictions about what's next.

4 minutes

Four Early Investments Every Entrepreneur Should Make

The right investment strategy is necessary for a business to evolve and grow. Want to find out how to invest in your own business?

4 minutes

Conflict is Expensive: 3 Better Ways To Resolve Disputes in Business

Conflict is unavoidable, especially in business. Learn my 3 tips to avoid and manage conflict at work.

10+ minutes

Perspectives from a Construction Industry Leader with Brian King

Building businesses and buildings from the ground up. Brian King, CEO of A M King discusses the truth about entrepreneurship.

4 minutes

Difficult Coworker? 3 Ways To Tackle The Situation

Working with difficult individuals is never easy nor enjoyable. Use these 3 strategies to take control of your work culture.


Are You A Good Maverick or A Bad One? Minimize The Risk With These 5 Tips

The idea of the maverick employee makes a great storyline, but are they good for a company?

5 minutes

Saying Goodbye To The Agonizing Annual Performance Review Process

Annual performance reviews are dreaded by employers and employees alike. Toss out the traditional process and replace it with this instead.

3 minutes

The Unbelievable Secret to Success

Mastering the skill of managing up not only allows you to take control of your work, but also manage your superior’s expectations.

3 minutes

How Good Leaders Handle Disagreement

Being a good leader means seeing things from others perspectives, even if they differ from yours. Read how good leaders handle disagreements.

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